Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cafe 290 Show...Let's just say...

it was an experience. A good one for the most part...up until i got up to perform. Man i swear. Right before I got called up to do my song, something in my head said..."you're going to forget the words". Sure enough, I got to the last verse, and after 2 lines, the words just stopped coming out of my mouth. I choked horribly. For the most part, I think the crowd kind of liked the song. It was just that my delivery was PATHETIC. But thats part of the show too right? Well I have a little footage from it...hopefully the first verse got recorded..that was the best part of my show (all i can say about that is Ms. Crunk....clawdhammercy). But overall it was a good experience. If i decide to go back next season, then I'll make sure I'm prepared a little more. But I think I should just stay in my lane and continue working on my production skills. So I'll definitely keep working hard and doing what I do.

Til next time people...

yep yep

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who's Got That Vibe @ Cafe 290 in Atlanta GA

So i have an audition this Friday for a show in Atlanta, GA at this exquisite Jazz spot called Cafe 290. I'm pretty sure I'll do well enough to get into the show, so I'm inviting you all to come check me out. Show starts at 8:30 PM on July wednesday. If you can't come, I'm going to see if I can get my folks to videotape my performance. I think it will also be televised, so I'll fill you in on what station it will be on.

I'll also be getting the DVD of my performance at the TAKE THE MIC competition from last month..hopefully i'll be able to put some clips up. Can't upload the whole thing...don't want to bootleg my people's hard work. lol.

but anyways. thats pretty much it for now.

oh and umm..thanks to Patrice for the recommendations and thanks Jazmine for the following! :D

ya'll be blessed and have a great day!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Performance @ Cafe290 in Atlanta

Whats good to all my ONE followers. lol. Hello Patrice.

I just wanted to let y'all know about the Who's Got That Vibe talent show in Atlanta, GA. I'll be performing there next Wednesday on July 29th, 2009. Hopefully I'll do well.

Soon I'll be posting video clips of my performance at the Take The Mic Competition held last month here in Aiken, SC.

I'll be letting all one of you know if I actually get in the show in Atlanta or not. LOL

yep yep!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

just another day at the job

you know...sometimes a job is like a first you seem to be really interested...then after a couple of years...things become struggle to find things that interest you because you've been doing the same thing over and over...something in you wants to find something new...something exciting...but then you'll end up right back in the same spot after a while..looking for something intriguing...

this is the reason i love making music. no matter how many times my fingers touch the keys, i enjoy it...i love how i can put what i feel into my music without the use of large words that the average audience won't understand without a pocket dictionary...eventually words are put to my music...but until that point...i feel like i'm able to get everything i feel off of my chest...

and it clears my mind to make new music!


make sure to check out my myspace page HTTP://WWW.MYSPACE.COM/LILBUDDYPRODUCTIONS and check out the new tracks. The 2 new jams up are directed towards the beautiful ladies out there. The first new track is called "Bussin" by Smokesta (the singer is in the process of being replaced) and the second new track is called "Lil Mama (I Like Her)" by Mike Diablo.

I'm always looking for feedback so let me know if you like the songs or not. I also have some personal songs on the page that I've done (Bam Bam, Up Dey, Anytime Anyplace...)

anyways..back to work.

ya'll have a good one.

Yep yep