Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cafe 290 Show...Let's just say...

it was an experience. A good one for the most part...up until i got up to perform. Man i swear. Right before I got called up to do my song, something in my head said..."you're going to forget the words". Sure enough, I got to the last verse, and after 2 lines, the words just stopped coming out of my mouth. I choked horribly. For the most part, I think the crowd kind of liked the song. It was just that my delivery was PATHETIC. But thats part of the show too right? Well I have a little footage from it...hopefully the first verse got recorded..that was the best part of my show (all i can say about that is Ms. Crunk....clawdhammercy). But overall it was a good experience. If i decide to go back next season, then I'll make sure I'm prepared a little more. But I think I should just stay in my lane and continue working on my production skills. So I'll definitely keep working hard and doing what I do.

Til next time people...

yep yep

1 comment:

  1. awww, sorry.. i just checked the blog.. i'm sure it wasnt as bad as you'd like to imagine, =o) but stay motivated!
