Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who's Got That Vibe @ Cafe 290 in Atlanta GA

So i have an audition this Friday for a show in Atlanta, GA at this exquisite Jazz spot called Cafe 290. I'm pretty sure I'll do well enough to get into the show, so I'm inviting you all to come check me out. Show starts at 8:30 PM on July wednesday. If you can't come, I'm going to see if I can get my folks to videotape my performance. I think it will also be televised, so I'll fill you in on what station it will be on.

I'll also be getting the DVD of my performance at the TAKE THE MIC competition from last month..hopefully i'll be able to put some clips up. Can't upload the whole thing...don't want to bootleg my people's hard work. lol.

but anyways. thats pretty much it for now.

oh and umm..thanks to Patrice for the recommendations and thanks Jazmine for the following! :D

ya'll be blessed and have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for ya. wish I could attend but I'm no where near there lol. be sure to let me kno how it goes tho -- long lost buddy!
