Wednesday, July 28, 2010

more good news....

Today is a great day...despite whatever pain i may be in. I had a lil episode this morning, but I got through it (as usual). It came and went, and now I'm just dealing with the gas and pains that come after it. Only thing this time, It happened in the daytime, rather than at instead of being able to go home and sleep it off, I'm here at work duking it out. But I'll be alright, as usual.

Good news though, even though its a little preliminary. So here is where we (or I, but I know ya'll wanna know too :D) stand as of right now.

Cardiologist says everything is alright with my heart.
Endocrinologist states that there are miniscule cysts on my thyroid gland, but nothing to worry about...its not too rare and are normal. No need for medicine or surgery as of this time.
and as far as the gasteronologist goes, the first ultrasound on my gallbladder showed up normal, and the HIDA Scan I had on my gallbladder came out looking normal too. I'm still waiting on the doctor to look at it, but thats what it looks like so far.

As of now, just waiting on some blood work to come back and get the final word on it. So far, nothing is wrong. Thats good news. Now I'm just thinking its something that I'm taking in and need to avoid. So I'm watching what i intake and trying to document any and everything that I'm taking in. Hopefully my past few months of playin somewhat of a pin cushion won't be in vain.

Anyways, I'm delighted to be working on a few projects with a lovely young lady named Lauren Hartley. If you haven't checked her out, you can go to my youtube page and you can also check her out at She's working with some major players as far as production is concerned so I feel VERY priveledged to even be considered to do some production work for her. Make sure ya'll check her out though. She's awesome!

Well thats it for now.

Yep Yep and God Bless!

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