Thursday, July 15, 2010

i HATE this type of inspiration, but it always works....

so i was TRYING to make something work with someone that was special to me, and it failed miserably.
Things were looking pretty good for a good while there, then I don't know what happened. I'm still in the dark on it, but it is what it is.
on the flip side, I came up with a pretty decent song that sounds pretty good.
Of course it has to do with the situation. I didn't put many details in it, but it covers most of it, I guess. It's 50% done now. I have to do some post production to it and add a few more detail to it and it'll be complete.

One thing I've learned though, is how to understand the difference between being angry and being hurt. At first, I wanted to almost curse the girl out, even though I KNOW she wouldn't listen to that. But I thought about it, and just had to understand that I was really hurt instead of mad. It was a sticky situation to begin with, and I knew that there was a possibilty of this coming around, I just didn't want it too, that's all. I definitely can't blame her for the decision she made, I just thought we were close enough for her to actually maybe talk to me about why she made it. I would still like to be friends with the girl, especially since we started out that way. I do care about her and what happens to her in the future and I wish her the best. However, I somewhat know her ways, and I doubt she'll speak to me again.

But, it was good while it lasted. I think what we had was good...could have been great...but the uncertainty of the future kind of ended that.

Well, let us move forward right?


I'm still in the process of trying to find out whats going on with my health right now. For those who DON'T know, I haven't been feeling up to par lately. I'll explain more in my next blog. But all in all, I think we're making progess.

Well until next time. Be easy, and Be blessed.

yep yep

"ILY doesn't complicate things...but it complicates things when it stops..."

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