Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nothing Like A Water Hangover

So I'm not doing too bad with the no alcohol thing. It really wasn't that hard stopping. It wasn't like I was a die hard drinker anyways, just on the weekends. Anywho, I believe that I must pick a different venue to explore however. I missed out on kicking it with somebody yesterday...ugh...won't miss that opportunity again.

I also had a very good conversation with a very special young lady in my life. I've seen the growth in her ways for the past 4 or 5 years I'd say and it's been tremendous. I'm just glad that I can be here for her to talk to still after all this time.

I have GOT TO DO BETTER when it comes to getting my butt up for church!!! I need to start making sure that I wake up on time and then GET UP on time. At least I can say that I doubt I'll be hungover on Saturday nights. So THAT will no longer be an excuse.

I believe that my health may be getting a little bit better. From the couple of ER visits and my initial visit to the cardiologist, I don't think my heart is the issue. That's a good thing...but I still have to find out WHAT the problem is. Hopefully I'll have it taken care of very soon. Anyways, I'll keep y'all posted if y'all are concerned.

just a quick little blog of some things on my mind at the time. Might do some jump on a jet ski today...not sure yet...we'll see.


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