Thursday, May 20, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law now coming to SC?? Oh HELL NO!

SC May Get Immigration Law Like Arizona

I want y'all to excuse me for a minute, because I have to step outside of my usual "proper" self and allow my "unproper" side to come out.

These fools done lost they motha FUCKIN minds....

So people around here stated that they didn't care about what was going on in Arizona, well now it's about to hit home. I been following this whole thing a little bit and actually read the legislature that Arizona passed pretty much from top to bottom. If this passes in South Carolina, you might as well say that the "Old South" has made it's comeback.

This law solves nothing. It only gives law enforcement (which is already worst below the mason dixon than ANYWHERE in the country) the authority to take someone aside and check their citizenship based on how they look.

Why not beef up regulation of businesses and making sure that they go through the proper channels to verify a persons legality to work. Why not beef up protection AT the border? I agree that illegal immigration is not right, but allowing racial profiling is not going to solve it. This is opening up a can of worms that people are not looking at because they are choosing to not look past their noses.

It is one thing to pass laws that help people, but when they start infringing on our rights, then there lies an issue that needs to be nipped in the bud.
Once you nullify one Amendment, then you can essentially nullify them all.

I mean, it doesn't make ANY SENSE!
How can you say, OK, you can detain any person who they suspect that are here illegally...but it can't be based on "race, color, or nationality"...

Don't they do this already??

Who do people think of when they hear the words "illegal immigrants"?
You don't think about any Russians, Polish, Germans, or any of those nationalities...u think about race is HATIANS/CUBANS...

folks need to open their eyes to whats going on.

If you value your rights as an AMERICAN CITIZEN, you'll do whatever it takes to vote against this thing when it pops up.

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