Sunday, March 28, 2010

Man oh man...

So yesterday, I had to call EMS to come pick me up and take me to the hospital. For some odd reason, my heart rate sky rocketed on me. At first, I thought I would be ok on my own. However, it didn't stop going up, so I dialed 911. I believe that it peaked maybe around 180 something while I was sitting still. Needless to say, I was scared...for my LIFE. When my hands, feet, and neck went numb, A few thoughts went through my mind. The first thought that flashed through was.."What if I don't walk out of here?"


like for real, i didn't think I was gonna make it. seriously. But you know, a wise dude told me one day, "The things that REALLY matter in your life, are the things you think about when you're taking your last breath."

I didn't think about anything parents, my sister, those who are close to relationship with God...those were the things that hit home with me...

But here I am...God provided me with a slap in the face and said WAKE UP! So there are some things in my life that I definitely have to change. First of all, no more alcohol. I'm not an every day drinker, but I'm dropping it all together. Luckily, I don't smoke anymore. I know that would have complicated my situation a lot worse. I'm also going to change my eating habits. I'm NEVER going to BURGER KING EVER AGAIN!! not EVER! I think their sweet tea had something to do with it too. This is the 2nd time I had to call EMS in less than a week after I ate there. no lie. The Doctor said no caffeine. I usually don't have caffeine like that, but once again, I WAS drinking some sweet tea from BURGER KING. runteldat

My dad told me that I needed a woman around. He said "son, God put man and woman here for specific roles. The woman is to take care of the man and the man is to provide for the woman and the family. Boy you need a woman to take care of you."

He's right

But anyways, I wanted to thank GOD for letting me live a little longer. Obviously I've got some work He needs me to do, so I need to jump on it. Thanks to Aiken EMS for taking care of me on the way there. Thanks to Mr. Jackson for keeping me in good spirits. Thanks to my parents for being there as they ALWAYS are.

But anyways, I got a great concept for a song now too. You'll hear it soon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're okay. That's crazy that it was in a weeks time like that. & after you had Burger King. Weird. & I feel bad cuz I told you not to have another episode & I wake up to an even worse situation than the 1st time. Everything happens for a reason tho & I'm sure your parents, sister & those close to you are grateful you're okay. & you do need a woman to take care of you! live life to the fullest still tho.
